tel: +44 (0)2380 456205

6th March 2023

Simplifying the Sail Buying Process - Part 2 - Panelled Sails

By far the majority of sails sold across all manufacturers on a global basis are panelled sails. That is to say, sails that comprise individually engineered sections (panels) which... Read more


6th March 2023

Simplifying the Sail Buying Process, part 1

We thought it’d be helpful to try and remove some of the mystery, to explain some of the key jargon and to give you some tips of how to choose the right sails for you and your boat.  Hopefully it’ll make your next conversation with you... Read more


16th February 2018

Ultimate Star 4 - Shorthanded "Starre"

John Van ser Starre - Our latest Ultimate star was a professional windsurfer and long distance record holder before moving over to keelboat sailing and winner of multiple short handed championships. Here's a fascinating insight into his winning approach.... Read more


17th May 2016

Ultimate Star 3 - Tinker, tailor, soldier, sailor....navigator

Peter Schofield is well known in Britain and beyond as a successful and highly experienced navigator and tactician who has campaigned in many national and international competitions over his long sail... Read more


Unit 20 Hamble Yacht Services
Port Hamble
Southampton, SO31 4NN
+44 (0)2380 456205